How do I Prove that a Driver was Distracted?
Distracted driving is a leading cause of auto accidents and injuries in the United States. Even though many organizations have dedicated much time to educating ...
Levin Injury Blog
Can I Sue after a Bar Fight?
Many people flock to bars, restaurants and nightclubs to relax and have a good time. Unfortunately, while you are trying to enjoy yourself, there are other peop ...
Who is Responsible for a Rollover Truck Accident?
Any type of accident involving a large commercial truck can be frightening and can cause serious damage and injury. However, rollover accidents [1] can be par ...
Who is Responsible for my Electrical Injury?
In the United States, electrical currents are responsible for more than 400 electrocutions on an annual basis, according to the United States Consumer Products ...
Traumatic Brain Injuries are Often Caused by Negligence
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports [1] that approximately 2.5 million Americans sustained a traumatic brain injury (TBI) in 2010 al ...
How do Wrongful Death Lawsuits Arise?
The sudden, unexpected loss of a family member or other loved one is always difficult. The loss can be even more tragic, however, if your loved one died due to ...
Common Injuries at a Hotel
When you leave town, you generally expect that your stay at a hotel will be stress-free and relaxing. Hotels often strive to provide guests with the best possib ...
Common Causes of Burn Injuries
According to statistics published by the American Burn Association (ABA) [1], an estimated 450,000 people in the United States received medical treatment for ...
Dog Bite Injuries can Result in Extremely Serious Complications
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports1 that approximately 4.5 million Americans sustain injuries as the result of a dog bite each year. ...
Can I Sue after an Accident caused by Poor Road Design or Maintenance?
According to data provided by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), there are generally over 5,000,000 police-reported accidents each year. W ...