Levin Injury Blog

Reasons Behind Head-on Crashes


Reasons Behind Head-on Crashes Car crashes can occur in many different ways, with drivers often crashing into the rear or side of other vehicles. One of the most dangerous types of crashes is ...
Truck Accidents can Require Complicated Evidence If you are injured in a truck accident, it is not enough to simply claim the truck driver or trucking company was at fault. Instead, you must present enough evi ...
When can a Construction Worker Sue after a Workplace Accident? Construction site accidents are consistent among the most common causes of workplace accidents in the United States. If you have ever been to an active construc ...

Auto Collisions and Chest Injuries


Auto Collisions and Chest Injuries Chest injuries after a Philadelphia car crash are common and can be severe or even life threatening. While seatbelt use certainly saves lives, they can also cau ...

What to Expect Following a Car Accident


What to Expect Following a Car Accident If you or someone you know has been involved in a car accident, you are probably wondering what the best way to proceed will be. Immediately following an auto a ...

Can I Sue for My Burn Injury?


Can I Sue for My Burn Injury? According to the U.S. Fire Administration (USFA), over two million burn injuries occur in the U.S. each year, and of those two million, approximately eight to ...

Most Common Auto Accident Injuries


Most Common Auto Accident Injuries Car accidents are a leading cause of injuries. Over 5.6 million car accidents were reported in the United States in 2012. Of these, over 30,000 of were fatal an ...
I Filed a Nursing Home Abuse Claim -What Damages Am I Entitled to? If you are considering filing a nursing home abuse claim, it is important to speak with an experienced attorney.  In the event that you file a complaint agains ...

Clover Hill Swimming Club


Clover Hill Swimming Club The Clover Hill Swimming Club was a swim club in the Millington section of Long Hill Township in Morris County, New Jersey. The club operated in the 1960 ...
I am a Nursing Home Resident – What Legal Rights Do I Have? Federal guidelines require each nursing facility to develop and implement written policies and procedures prohibiting mistreatment, neglect, or abuse of residen ...