Levin Injury Blog

What Questions Should You Ask When Hiring a Lawyer? Traffic accidents cause thousands of injuries each year. The possible need for long-term care, among other things, can complicate the determination of damages f ...
Insurers Often Give Low-Ball Settlement Offers After a traffic accident, your first point of contact is frequently either your insurance company or, if the other driver is clearly at fault, the other driverâ ...

Drowsy Driving Is a Serious Problem


Drowsy Driving Is a Serious Problem Traffic accidents involving drowsy drivers cause thousands of injuries each year. As experienced car accident attorneys, the lawyers of The Levin Firm Personal ...
Tips to Help You Prevent Distracted Driving Accidents Did you know that according to the Centers for Disease Control’s Injury Center, distracted driving causes more than 390,000 injuries and 3,477 deaths in a sin ...
Injured by a Drunk Driver in Pennsylvania? A Conviction Won’t Help You Recover Compensation It often doesn’t matter how safe you drive, how careful you are after having a drink with dinner, or how much attention you pay to other drivers on the road, ...
Watch out for Drunk Drivers Near Philly College Campuses Philadelphia is jam-packed with colleges and universities—which is part of what makes Philly uniquely Philly. College students and good sense, however, don’ ...
Will the Larger iPhone X Increase Distracted Driving? These days, few events are more exciting than the unveiling of a brand new, beautiful Apple product—like the much-anticipated iPhone X. In anticipation of its ...
What Causes Truck Drivers to Lose Control and Crash? While semi-trucks are big, fast, and dangerous, we all have to share the road. Our economy and our ever-growing demand for consumer goods ensure that the number ...
Are Most Philadelphia Car Accidents the Fault Of Truck Drivers? Commercial trucks are a highly common sight on the roads and highways in and around Philadelphia. Regularly driving in close proximity to these large, heavy veh ...
Pre-Existing Conditions and How They Can Affect Auto Accident Claims In order to obtain financial recovery for your medical bills and other losses after a car accident, you must prove that another party was negligent and should b ...