Levin Injury Blog

Passenger Injuries and Legal Liability


Passenger Injuries and Legal Liability Car accidents are dangerous and can be terrifying. This is never truer than when you are a passenger in one of the cars involved and, therefore, have absolutely ...
Will a Drunk Driver’s Conviction Help Your Car Accident Case? Drunk driving in Pennsylvania, unfortunately, a serious problem. In 2015, 345 people were killed in drunk driving crashes in our state, and thousands more were ...

Safe Driving in Winter Weather


Safe Driving in Winter Weather Winter isn’t coming; it’s here. With the beauty of winter’s illustrious landscape and sparkling beauty, however, come significant driving challenges. Wint ...
How Does Poor Road Maintenance Lead to Serious Accidents? When you get behind the wheel of your car and take to the road, you have the right to expect that those roads will be reasonably well maintained to help ensure ...
Illegal Vehicle Modifications Can Lead to Accidents Who doesn’t want to trick out their ride with all kinds of mods? Well, most of us probably aren’t interested, but it’s important to note that there are il ...
Studies Indicate That Hands Free Cell Phone Use Not Significantly Safer We all know that distracted driving is dangerous driving and that drivers who choose to text and drive represent the zenith of this danger. While many of us bel ...

Trucks Can Have Defective Brakes


Trucks Can Have Defective Brakes Trucks are the massive machines with which we share our roads, and as such, they pose a serious threat when it comes to traffic accidents. One of the most eleme ...

What are CMV Conspicuity Requirements?


What are CMV Conspicuity Requirements? What are CMV conspicuity requirements, you ask. Let’s break that question down a little bit. A CMV is a commercial motor vehicle and conspicuity requirements ...
Are You Familiar with Your Vehicle’s Safety Features? You’ve purchased a new vehicle, but hey, you’ve been driving for a while now, there can’t be anything too new under the sun. Right? No, that’s probably ...
Why do Motorcyclists have a Higher Risk of Accident? Traditional drivers of motor vehicles are protected by two tons of steel, seat belts, airbags, and a motor vehicle tested and designed to absorb the force of an ...