Levin Injury Blog

How To Stay Safe At Your Next Family Outing 12 Tips to Help You and Your Family Stay Safe During Your Next Family Outing Enjoying the great outdoors or taking a trip to a favorite destination represents a ...
What Are Some Home Safety Equipment I Can Install ? Installing Alarm Systems, CCTVs, Smoke Detectors, and Carbon Monoxide Detectors: Keeping Your Building Safe You want to take every precaution when it comes to k ...
How to Optimize Your Home for Healthy, Stress-Free Living Your home should feel like a place of refuge from the workaday world. A place where you can relax with your family and recharge your batteries after a long day ...
8 Important Tips for Living a Healthier Lifestyle More than 42 percent of American adults suffer from obesity, a reflection of the epidemic of unhealthy living that affects so many of us. Breaking unhealthy hab ...
How to Treat Road Rash From Motorcycle Accident Motorcycles give you the freedom to hit the road and feel the rush of the wind all around you. You, and the nearly one million licensed motorcyclists like you i ...
Eight Critical Safety Tips for Social Media Use An increasing percentage of the American population connects with friends, loved ones, and even strangers through social media. Platforms like Facebook, Instagr ...
How Long Does It Take To Settle After a Semi-Truck Accident? Death and serious injury follow many accidents involving semi-trucks. Victims of these crashes and their families understandably want justice and compensation f ...
How Long Do You Have to File a Claim for a Truck Accident? File Your Truck Accident Injury Claim Before the Deadline If a traffic accident involving a large truck harmed you or a loved one, then chances are you have a l ...
What Happens When a Truck Driver Has a Fatal Accident? A logging truck struck an Amish buggy, killing a woman and her son. There was a family of five inside the buggy at the time. A man and a child suffered serious ...

Traveling With Your Pet


Traveling With Your Pet For many individuals and families, warming weather brings plans for leisure travel and the challenge of deciding if and how to bring a pet on vacation. If you p ...