Are Sideswipe Collisions the Most Damaging?

Are Sideswipe Collisions the Most Damaging?

Sideswipe crashes can be very scary and cause a lot of damage. If you've been in one, you might wonder what to do next. The first thing to think about is your health. Even if you feel okay right after the crash, it's a good idea to see a doctor. Some injuries don't show up right away, and a doctor can make sure you're okay.

After you've taken care of your health, you might start worrying about other things. How will you pay for your medical bills? What about fixing your car? Who was at fault for the crash? These are all huge questions, and they can be hard to answer on your own. That's where a car accident lawyer comes in. They will know what to do next and ensure you're treated fairly.

Understanding Sideswipe Collisions

A sideswipe collision happens when two cars going the same way touch sides. This can happen when someone tries to change lanes without looking or when a driver isn't paying attention and drifts into another lane. Sometimes, it's just a small bump, but other times, it can cause a major crash.

Sideswipe crashes can be extremely dangerous because they can cause a car spin out of control. This might cause the car to hit other objects or even flip over. Even if the first hit isn't that bad, what happens after can cause a lot of harm.

These crashes can hurt people in different ways. You might get whiplash from being jerked to the side suddenly. If the car spins or flips, you can get hurt even worse. Sometimes, people hit their heads on the side of the car or get cut by broken glass.

The damage to cars in sideswipe crashes can be very serious, too. The whole side of a car might need to be fixed or replaced. If the crash made the car spin or flip, there can be damage to the entire vehicle. This can cost a lot of money to fix.

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Why Sideswipe Collisions Happen

There are lots of reasons why sideswipe crashes happen. A common one is when drivers don't check their blind spots before changing lanes. Every car has spots where it's hard to see other cars in the mirrors. If a driver doesn't turn their head to look, they might not see a car next to them.

Distracted driving is another major cause. If someone is looking at their phone or messing with the radio, they might drift into another lane without noticing. Tired drivers can do this, too. If someone falls asleep at the wheel, they might not realize they're moving out of their lane.

Sometimes, severe weather can cause these crashes. If it's raining hard or the road is icy, a car might slide sideways into another lane. Poor road conditions like potholes or uneven pavement can also make a car swerve unexpectedly.

In some cases, aggressive driving leads to sideswipe collisions. If a driver is in a hurry and trying to weave through traffic, they might misjudge the space between cars and hit someone. Road rage can cause this, too, if an angry driver tries to cut someone off or intimidate them.

The Aftermath of a Sideswipe Collision

Right after a sideswipe crash, you might feel shaken up and confused. It's normal to feel this way. The most important thing is to ensure you and anyone involved are safe. If you can, move your car to a safe spot out of traffic.

Once you're safe, it's time to think about your health. Even if you feel fine, some injuries don't show up right away. Whiplash, for example, might not hurt until the next day. That's why it's so important to see a doctor, even if you think you're okay.

After you've taken care of your health, you'll need to deal with the damage to your car. This can be a headache. You might need to get your car towed and find a repair shop. If your car is badly damaged, you might need to figure out how to get around without it for a while.

Then there's the question of who will pay for everything. If the other driver was at fault, their insurance should cover it. But insurance companies don't always want to pay what they should. They might try to say the crash wasn't as bad as it was or that your injuries aren't serious. This is where having a car accident attorney is so valuable.

How a Car Accident Attorney Can Help

A car accident lawyer knows all about the laws around car crashes. They can look at what happened in your crash and determine who was at fault. This is important because it affects who has to pay for the damage and injuries.

Your lawyer can also deal with insurance companies. These companies have their own lawyers, and they know all the tactics to pay out as little as possible. Your car accident lawyer can make sure you're not taken advantage of. They know how to negotiate with insurance companies to get you a fair deal.

If you're hurt, a car accident lawyer can help ensure you get the medical care you need. They can work with your doctors to understand your injuries and how they might affect you in the future. This is important for making sure you get enough money to cover all your medical bills, even the ones you might have later.

Your lawyer can determine other costs related to the crash. Maybe you had to miss work and lose income. Or maybe you need help around the house while you recover. A good car accident attorney will consider all these things and ensure they're included when asking for money from the insurance company.

Sometimes, insurance companies won't offer a fair amount of money. Your car accident lawyer can take your case to court if that happens. They know how to present your case to a judge and jury in a way that shows how the crash has affected your life.

The Long-Term Effects of Sideswipe Collisions

Sideswipe crashes can have effects that last long after the crash itself. Some injuries might heal quickly, but others can cause problems for months or even years. Back and neck pain from whiplash, for example, can last a long time and make it hard to do everyday things.

Head injuries can affect your memory or make it hard to think clearly. Injuries to your arms or legs might make it hard to do your job or enjoy your hobbies. These kinds of injuries hurt not just physically but can affect your whole life.

The emotional effects of a crash can last a long time, too. Some people feel scared to drive after being in a bad crash. You might have nightmares or feel anxious when you're in a car. These feelings are normal, but they can make it hard to live your life the way you want to.

There can be financial effects that last a long time, too. If you have large medical bills or can't work because of your injuries, you might struggle with money for a while. This can be stressful and affect other parts of your life.

A car accident lawyer can help with these long-term effects. They can ensure you get enough money to cover future medical care or lost income. They can also help you find resources to deal with the emotional effects of the crash.

Common Injuries from Sideswipe Collisions

Sideswipe crashes can cause all kinds of injuries. Whiplash is one of the most common. This happens when your head is jerked back and forth suddenly. It can cause pain in your neck and shoulders and sometimes give you headaches or make you dizzy.

Cuts and bruises are common, too, especially if any glass breaks during the crash. These might not seem like a big deal, but deep cuts can leave scars, and some bruises can be signs of more serious injuries.

If the crash is bad enough to make your car spin or flip, you might get more serious injuries. People sometimes hit their heads in these crashes, which can cause concussions or even more serious brain injuries. You might also hurt your back or break bones.

Sometimes, sideswipe crashes can hurt your arms or legs. If your arm is resting on the door when the crash happens, it might get badly hurt. Or if your leg gets caught under the dashboard when the car crumples, you can end up with a broken leg.

These injuries can be really serious and take a long time to heal. Some might even cause permanent problems. That's why it's so important to see a doctor right away after a crash, even if you feel okay at first. And it's why having a car accident lawyer can be so helpful. They can ensure you get the right medical care and enough money to pay for it.

After car accident with an Injury

Dealing with Insurance Companies After a Sideswipe Crash

After a sideswipe crash, you'll probably have to deal with insurance companies. This can be very frustrating. Insurance companies are businesses, and they want to make money. That means they often try to pay out as little as possible for claims.

The insurance company might try to say the crash wasn't as bad as you say it was. They might argue that your injuries aren't serious or were caused by something else. Sometimes, they'll offer you a quick settlement that sounds good at first, but isn't nearly enough to cover all your costs.

This is why having a car accident lawyer is so important. Your lawyer knows all the tricks insurance companies use. They can argue against these tactics and make sure the insurance company treats you fairly. They know how to prove how bad the crash was and how it has affected your life.

Your lawyer can also handle all the talks with the insurance company for you. This takes a lot of stress off your shoulders. You can focus on getting better while your lawyer handles all the paperwork and phone calls.

If the insurance company doesn't offer a fair amount, your car accident lawyer can take them to court. Sometimes, just the threat of going to court is enough to make the insurance company offer more money. If you do end up in court, your lawyer will be there to present your case and fight for what you deserve.

The Costs of a Sideswipe Collision

Sideswipe crashes can end up costing a lot of money. First, there are the medical bills. Even if your injuries aren't too bad, seeing a doctor and getting any tests can add up quickly. If you need ongoing care like physical therapy, the costs get even higher.

Then there's the cost of fixing your car. Sideswipe crashes often damage the whole side of a car. This can be expensive to fix. If the crash was bad enough to total your car, you'll need to buy a new one.

You might also lose money if you have to miss work because of your injuries. If you can't work for a while, those lost earnings can add up fast. Some people even lose their jobs if they're out of work for too long.

There can be other costs, too. Maybe you need to hire someone to help around the house while you recover. Or maybe you need to pay for transportation if you can't drive your car. All these little costs can add up to a large amount.

A car accident lawyer can help make sure all these costs are covered. They know how to calculate all the expenses from a crash, including ones you might not think of. They can fight to ensure you get enough money to cover everything, both now and in the future.

If you've been in a sideswipe collision, don't wait to get help. Talk to a car accident lawyer as soon as possible. They can guide you through the process and help ensure you get the best possible outcome. Remember, most offer free consultations, so you have nothing to lose by reaching out for advice. Don't let a sideswipe collision derail your life - get the legal help you need to move forward.

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Gabriel Levin - Owner/Founder

Gabriel Levin is a highly experienced and credible attorney with over 10 years of practice in Pennsylvania. Known for his tenacity, he has represented clients in a wide range of civil matters, trying hundreds of cases. He prepares each case as if it will go to trial, ensuring meticulous attention to detail.

Unlike many firms that delegate tasks, Levin personally handles every aspect of a case and maintains open communication with clients throughout. He has secured millions in compensation, making him a reliable choice for those seeking legal representation.

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